Friday, December 13, 2013

Real Rial

The Cambodian currency is the Rial or the US Dollar. Sometimes both in the same transaction. Its a little crazy, but you only have to remember that one dollar is worth 4000 rial and just wing it from there.

Living is pretty cheap here in Cambodia. If you try, you can rid yourself of your extra cash, particularly in Siam Reap or Phenom Penh. The former is the tourist enclave at Angkor Wat and the latter is, well, a big city. The city always costs more than the country, no?

So, how much per day to travel in Cambodia? Here is an atypical day, one in which I was spending money like a drunken sailor:

Lodging = $ 7               Nice fan room. Air-con would be at least another $ 5 per night.
Brekkie = $ 4                Usually less, but I am springing for the Illy Espresso every morning.
Tuk-Tuk = $ 13             About 35-40 Kilometers of Tuk-tuking, plus the drivers waiting time.
Fees = $ 2                     Entrance fees for the Temple or ruins or whatever for that day.
Guide = $ 2.50             I could not shake my Ferguson today, a woman who spoke not a WORD
                                     of English and who marched along with me despite the lack of need.
                                     With a bit more persistence, I could have avoided this, but hey, she needs
                                     work as well as anyone.
Bus = $ 5                      This should go on tomorrow's expenses, but whatever. KT to Siam Reap
Scarf = $ 20                 The real deal, from silk grown and woven on the farm. Big Money!
Water = $ 1                  Twenty-five cents a pop for a half litre. 2 litre minimum to stay on your feet.
Lunch = $ 5                  OK, Total pig out at the pick-and-choose table. I went nuts. Usually $ 2.
Dinner = $ 1.25             Again, the evening pick-and-choose. Menu, what menu? Look in the pot.
Dessert = $ .75             Tukalok. Trust me.

And the total? Sixty One Fifty, US Dollars. That is a lot of money in Cambodia. I could have done many of the things on the list more cheaply or not at all. I usually don't buy souvies and I usually eat a lot cheaper. My point is, even when I have no thought at all for what I am spending, this is the most I have laid out in a single day going full tilt.

A typical day for me in Cambodia, including a short travel jump? About
$ 27 US per day, give or take, including transport, meals and lodging. Easy-peasey.

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