This one is for the gearheads and moto-trash out there in Blog Land. You know who you are!
In a previous post I wrote about the regional differences in Tuk-Tuks and how the Kampot version is mounted on a type of gimbal or ball hitch. Yesterday I met the World's-Freindliest-Tuk-Tuk-Driver. Truly, I think this guy was about three cups of coffee over his limit. When I started eyeing the hitch and talking with him about it, he was more than happy to show me all of the modifications he had made himself, how they worked, the usual gearhead confab. It was fun as hell.
As I was explaining about me gearhead friends and moto friends I started to say that we all love crazy home-made..... and he said "Doo-dads." I laughed my ass off over that one and marveled at his grasp of idiomatic English.
Anyway, it was a great interaction in a day full of interactions. Here is an up close and personal of the hitch.
Ciao for now, off for walk-about.
You didn't introduce the term "farkle" to his vocabulary? */:-)