Friday, November 22, 2013

HCMC Evening

My arrival in HCMC. (That's Ho Chi Minh City) or Saigon, take your pick, was without surprise.

My passport and visa passed muster, my checked bag slid down the chute and customs was a yawn. The ATM spit out 9,000,000 Dong (yes millions) and I went I'm search of the local #152 bus.

A new city, a new language, an old local bus and a hotel to find. In a small alley. What could go wrong? I aimed for "Center-Center" and 6 km and a buck layer I was off the bus and trying to match my map to a seething mass of scooters, buses and pedestrians.

Advantage Saigon: the street signs are in Roman Script. Albeit with a few map reading stops, I walked right to my hotel, small alley and all.

The afternoon was the dazed post flight spent on the roof top terrace watching the afternoon thunder clouds.

A quick nap and I started exploring the neighborhood. Here is what commuting looks like.

1 comment:

  1. Ah!, Thai-like gutters/sewers on the street. I'm guessing they smell better in November than they do in June.
