Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Road Food

Krolan is tough to unwrap.  Tip:  let the nice Cambodian woman do it for you.

Road food ready for the hungry traveler.

Mmmm, sticky rice and sweet beans

It's called Krolan. Cambodian women take sticky rice, a very glutenous type of the grain, mix it with sweet beans and coconut milk, then pack this mixture into a bamboo tube. The bamboo tubes are then cooked over charcoal fires for about an hour. The result is a portable tube of the most concentrated power food you can imagine. This stuff tastes great, comes in biodegradable packaging and will keep you on your feet for hours of sightseeing with a vengance.

Here's a tip. Even if your faithful Tuk-tuk driver encourages you to have seconds, you don't really need the second tube.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a big rice banana in bamboo. I like it. Please bring one for me! :-)
